Trust, Integrity and Reliability

Your reliable network hardware supplier

Used Cisco Equipment

Knowledge Computers is the largest supplier of Used Cisco in all of Canada and with secondary offices in the United States and Singapore, we are recognized as a Global Leader in Used Cisco Equipment Supply. Let us provide the prefect Cisco Network Solution for all your business needs.

Used Cisco

Cisco Office Solutions

We carry a full range of Refurbished Cisco products such as Used Cisco Routers, Used Switches , Firewalls, Wireless, VOIP and Cisco memory, providing the highest quality, strongest warranties and fastest delivery with the ability to ship 90% of Cisco’s products within 24 hours.

Last year we supplied Refurbished Cisco equipment and supported networks in over 80 countries worldwide. Our customers around the world are making a difference, with over 400 million dollars in IT network hardware recycled so far. Please join us in our efforts to protect our natural resources and reduce e-waste in landfills everywhere. Buy refurbished equipment and save more than just money.

used cisco equipment

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