Trust, Integrity and Reliability

Your reliable network hardware supplier

Cisco Small Office Phones Solution

We provide a highly secure and smart Cisco solution with high quality Cisco equipment and maintenance services and support Small office IP Phones equipment.

Voice Gateways and Accessories


Cisco Small Business Voice Gateways and ATAs

Experience the quality of IP Telephony using analog and DECT devices. Extend your network more securely with Cisco gateways for SIP trunking and more.


Cisco Small Business Voice Accessories

Various accessories for your IP phone system allow you to take wired phones wireless, and power devices without using electrical cables.

Our customers around the world are making a difference, with over 400 million dollars in IT network products recycled so far. Please join in our effort to protect our natural resources everywhere and reduce e-waste in landfills.  Buy or consider pre-owned equipment and save more than just money.

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