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Cisco Router 1900 Series

Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers are designed to power the next phase of branch-office evolution, providing interactive media collaboration and virtualization to the branch while reducing operating costs.

Product ID Description
C1941-SEC-SRE/K9 Cisco 1941 SRE Bundle, SRE 300, SEC Lic. PAK
C1941W-E-N-SEC/K9 Cisco 1941Security Router, 802.11 a/b/g/n AP ETSI Compliant
CISCO1941-SEC/K9 Cisco 1941 Security Bundle w/SEC license PAK
CISCO1921-SEC/K9 Cisco1921/K9 with 2GE, SEC License PAK, 512MB DRAM, 128MB Fl
CISCO1941W-A/K9 Cisco 1941 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n FCC Compliant WLAN ISM
CISCO1941W-E/K9 Cisco 1941 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n ETSI Compliant WLAN ISM
CISCO1941W-P/K9 Cisco 1941 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n Japan Compliant WLAN ISM
CISCO1941W-N/K9 Cisco 1941 Router w/802.11 a/b/g/n Aus,NZ Compliant WLAN ISM
CISCO1941/K9 Cisco 1941 w/2 GE,2 EHWIC slots,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IP Base
CISCO1941-2.5G/K9 Cisco 1941 with 2.5G DRAM, 256MB Flash
CISCO1921/K9 C1921 Modular Router, 2 GE, 2 EHWIC slots, 512DRAM, IP Base

Cisco 1900 Series Power Supply Options

Product ID Description
PWR-1941-AC Cisco 1941 AC Power Supply
PWR-1941-AC= Cisco 1941 AC Power Supply
PWR-1941-POE Cisco 1941 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet
PWR-1941-POE= Cisco 1941 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet

Cisco 1900 Series Options & Spares

Product ID Description
1941-2901-FANBLWR= Cisco 1941/2901 Fan Blower Assembly
HWIC-BLANK= Blank faceplate for HWIC slot on Cisco ISR
HWIC-BLANK-KIT= Blank faceplate for HWIC slot with divider for Cisco ISR
HWIC-SLOT-DIVIDER= HWIC Slot Divider (Guide) for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR
ACS-1941-RM-19= 19 inch rack mount kit for Cisco 1941/1941W ISR
ACS-1900-RM-19 Rack Mount Kit for 1921, 1905
ACS-1900-RM-19= Rack Mount Kit for 1921, 1905
FIPS-SHIELD-1900 FIPS Shield for Cisco 1905 and 1921
FIPS-SHIELD-1900= FIPS Shield for Cisco 1921, 1905

Knowledge Computers carries the full range of used Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers, providing the highest levels of speed and availability. Enquire today about our active cisco trade-in program to ensure that you get maximum value for your old technology products and join us in our effort to go green!

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