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Cisco File and Wide Area Application Engine Products

Our is the largest supplier of Used Cisco in all of Canada and with secondary offices in the United States and Singapore, we are recognized as a Global Leader in Used Cisco Equipment Suupply, provide prefect cisco network solution for all your business

Product ID Description
WAE-511-K9 Wide Area Application Engine 511, NO HDD INCL, SW ACNS/WAFS
WAE-611-K9 Wide-Area Application Engine 611, no HDD, SW ACNS/WAFS
WAE-7326-K9 Wide Area Application Engine 7326, NO HDD INCL, SW ACNS/WAFS
WAE-512-K9 Wide Area Application Engine 512, 1GB MEM, 1 x 250 HDD Incl
WAE-612-K9 Wide Area Application Engine 612, 2GB MEM, 2 x 300 HDD Incl.
WAE-674-K9 WAE-674 with 4GB MEM and 3 300GB HDD included
WAE-674-K9= Wide Area Application Engine WAE-674, HDD Incl
WAE-7341-K9 WAE-7341 with 12GB RAM and 4 300GB HDD included
WAE-7371-K9 WAE-7371 with 24GB RAM and 6 300 GB hard drive included
WAVE-274-K9 WAVE 274 (with 3G RAM, 250G HDD, inline, and Enterprise Lic)
WAVE-474-K9 WAVE 474 (with 3G RAM, 250G HDD, inline, and Enterprise Lic)
WAVE-574-DMS HW Only Server with 4GB RAM and 500GB HD
WAVE-574-DMS= WAVE 574 Appliance (incl 3G RAM, 500 G HDD, Enterprise Lic)
RED-PWR-FAN-73XX= Redundant Power and Fan for WAE 7341 and 7371

System Bundles

Product ID Description
SE511-IPROXY-K9 Security / iProxy WAE-511 bundle, must choose HDD, 512MB mem
SE611-IPROXY-K9 Security / iProxy WAE-611 bundle, must choose HDD, 2GB mem
SE7326-IPROXY-K9 Security / iProxy WAE-7326 bundle, must choose HDD, 4GB mem
WAFS-25PK-BUN WAFS Early Adopter Bundle – 25-40x WAE-511 – addtl 30% disc
WAFS-EVAL-BUN WAFS Eval Bundle – Includes 3-5x WAE-511, 1 PER CUSTOMER
SE612-IPROXY-K9 Security / iProxy WAE-612 bundle, 2GB MEM, 2 300GB HDD Incl.

Cisco WAAS Mobile Product

Product ID Description
WAAS-MBL-KIT-K9 WAAS Mobile Starter Kit -includes SRV-SW , 10 conc. usr lic
WAAS-MBL-LIC25 Cisco WAAS Mobile 25 concurrent user licenses
WAAS-MBL-LIC25= Cisco WAAS Mobile 25 concurrent user licenses
WAAS-MBL-LIC100 WAAS Mobile 100 Concurrent user licenses
WAAS-MBL-LIC100= WAAS Mobile 100 Concurrent user licenses
WAAS-MBL-LIC500 Cisco WAAS Mobile 500 concurrent user license
WAAS-MBL-LIC500= Cisco WAAS Mobile 500 concurrent user license
WAAS-MBL-SRV-SW Cisco WAAS Mobile Server Software
WAAS-VB-LIC WAAS Virtual Blade License
WAAS-VB-LIC= Horizontal Cable Management Tray
ACS-GSR10-RMK= WAAS Virtual Blade License
WAAS-VB-W2K8-LIC WAAS VB + Win2K8 for AD, DNS, DHCP, Print only, unltd users
WAAS-VB-W2K8-LIC= WAAS VB + Win2K8 for AD, DNS, DHCP, Print only, unltd users
WAAS-VBLADE-APL WAAS Virtual Blade License (apps to be purchased separately)

WMT Streaming Licenses

Product ID Description
SF-WMS-560= 560 Mbs Windows Media License for CE-7305-K9
SF-WMSLIC-100M 100 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher
SF-WMSLIC-100M= 100 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher, Spare
SF-WMSLIC-250M 250 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher
SF-WMSLIC-250M= 250 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher, Spare
SF-WMSLIC-500M 500 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher
SF-WMSLIC-500M= 500 Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher, Spare
SF-WMSLIC-UNLIM Unlimited Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher
SF-WMSLIC-UNLIM= Unlimited Mbs Windows Media License for ACNS 5.5 or higher

We carries the full range of New & Refurbished Cisco Wireless Products, providing the highest quality, strongest warranties and fastest delivery, and Our fully stocked warehouses in Canada, US & Singapore include thousands of high quality Cisco Products spanning from Access Points, Accessories to Cable.

Contact your sales rep today or use the live attendant features to learn more about how we can provide substancial savings to your IT Costs.

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