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Fortinet FortiReporter

Knowledge Computers carries a full range of New and Refurbished Fortinet Firewalls Networks products, All our Fortinet equipment parts are covered by our 6 months no hassle warranty.

Product ID Description
FC-10-RLE00-070-10-99 Unlimited Licence for low end products FG50A – FG100A
FC-10-RHE00-070-10-99 Wireless (802.11 b/g), Dual WAN ports, 3-port 10/100 switch, POE support
FC-10-RCLLE-070-10-99 Restricted Licence for low end products FG50A – FG100A
FC-10-RCLHE-070-10-99 Restircted Licence for high end products FG200A and above

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