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Used Juniper M160 Accessories

We carries a full range of new and refurbished Juniper Routers products including enterprise routers such as the M5, M10i, M20 & netscreen firewalls such as the Netscreen 5GT and Netscreen 200. All our Juniper parts are covered by our 6 months no hassle warranty

Product ID Description
BRTRAY-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Blower Rear Lower Spare
CBBOX-DC-S M160/M40e DC Circuit Breaker Box Spare
FAN-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Fan Tray / Cable Management
FLTR-E-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Air Filter Spare
FLTR-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Air Filter and Carrier Assembly Spare
MCS-S M160/M40e Miscellaneous Control Subsystem
PCG-S M160/M40e PFE Clock Generator Board Spare
PKG-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e shipping container spare
PWR-M160-M40e-DC-S M160/M40e DC Power Entry Module Spare
SFM-S Switching and Forwarding Module with 8MB DRAM, Spare
SFM-16-S Switching and Forwarding Module with 16MB DRAM, Spare
TRTRAY-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Blower Rear Upper Spare
TTRAY-M160-M40e-S M160/M40e Blower Front Upper Spare
CHAS-BP-M160-S M160 Chassis with Installed Backplane
CIP-M160-S M160 Connector Interface Panel Spare
CRAFT-M160-S M160 Craft Interface Panel Spare

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