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Dell PowerEdge M600

The Dell PowerEdge M600 Modular Blade Enclosure is the rock-solid foundation for Dell’s blade server architecture, providing an extremely reliable, flexible and efficient platform for building any IT infrastructure. The M520 enclosure is built from the ground up to combat data center sprawl and IT complexity, delivering one of the most energy efficient, flexible and manageable blade server implementations on the market.

CPU: Max 2 x Intel 54XX Quad Core CPUs Size: 16/chassis
Memory: 8 DIMM Slots (Max 64GB) Raid: Perc6i
HDD: 2.5″ Hot Swap SAS, SATA and Near Line Riser: 1xPCI-E

Dell PowerEdge M600 spare parts

Part Number Description   Extended description
Broadcom Quad Port 1GbE Mezz (TOE) (Replaces J471J) Jan
Block 2011
1DCWH HD,73G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,FJT,11SE Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Fujitsu 11SE (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – PURGED May 2010 – Replaced by PH7CR, HT952)
5R6CX HD,600G,SAS6,10K,2.5,TSHBA,AL1 Dell PowerEdge M600
600GB SAS6, 10K, 2.5″, Toshiba AL12SE
Infiniband DDR SFF Mezz Card (Interchangeable with FI
Part #9DCC6)
Intel Quad Port mezz (82576) 1GB (w/OSP Surface)
740Y7 HD,300G,SAS6,10K,2.5,TSHBA,AL1 Dell PowerEdge M600
300GB, SAS6, 10K, 2.5″, Toshiba AL12SE
75481 BTRY, MINI, 3V, 190MAH, COIN,
Dell PowerEdge M600
Battery, Miniature, 3V, 190MAH, COIN, Lithium
7T0DW HD,600G,SAS6,10K,2.5,SGT-FS Dell PowerEdge M600
600GB SAS6, 10K, 2.5, Seagate Firestorm
9F029 DIMM,512,667M64X72,8,240,1RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
**POST RTS July 6** 512MB 667MHz DDR2 DIMM, 64X72, 8,
240, 1RX8 /July 17th RTS parts (…FOR SERVERS ONLY**Validated for Single
DIMM Dispatch on Server systems)
9F030 DIMM,1G,667M,128X72,8,240,2RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
1 Gig DIMM /triathlon post rts/pe1955/July 17th RTS parts
(…FOR SERVERS ONLY**Validated for Single DIMM Dispatch on Server systems)
9F035 DIMM,4G,667M,512X72,8,240,2RX4 Dell PowerEdge M600
4Gig DIMM. pe1955 (Post RTS) (…FOR SERVERS
ONLY**Validated for Single DIMM Dispatch on Server systems)
9W657 DIMM,2G,667M,256X72,8,240,2RX4 Dell PowerEdge M600
2G 667MHz DDR2 DIMM, 256X72, 8, 240, 2RX4
C268J SVC,PRC,E5405,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
C332J SVC,PRC,E5420,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
C334J SVC,PRC,X5470,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
C335J SVC,PRC,E5205,1333,XDW,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Wolfdale Processor P959G)
C583R CRD,NTWK,PCIE4,10GBE,57711BCOM Dell PowerEdge M600
Broadcom DCE (57711) 10GB mezz (iSOE)
C975M HD,300G,SAS,10K,2.5,SGT,FRFLY,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
300GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate Firefly (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED H523N)
CM318 HD,146G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,SGT,FIR Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate Firebird (Use only DUP
enabled replacement)
CP238 ASSY,CBL,IFB,CU,DDR,5M,8PK Dell PowerEdge M600
CY123 SVC,PLN,PE M600, INTEL, V1 Dell PowerEdge M600
MB SVC Kit (Contians MB MY736)
CY940 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,E5440,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.83G,Harper Town,E5440,1333FSB,12Mb,80W (RTS20-Nov-07)
CY942 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDW,L5250,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
processor service kit
D186J SVC,PRC,L5410,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
D240J SVC,PRC,E5410,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
D241J SVC,PRC,E5430,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
D242J SVC,PRC,E5450,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
D245J SVC,PRC,L5430,1333,XDH Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
D246J SVC,PRC,X5260,1333,XDW,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Wolfdale Processor R318G)
D558C DIMM,2G,667M,256X72,8,240,2RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
2GB 667M, 256X72, 8, 240, 2RX8
DJ937 SVC,CRD,CTL,HBA,FC4,QME2472 Dell PowerEdge M600
QLogic HBA Controller Card Kit, FC4, QME2472/Galena
DR397 DIMM,4G,667M,512X72,8,240,2RX4 Dell PowerEdge M600
4GB 667M, 512X72, 8, 240, 2RX4
F830C ASSY,CARR,HD,DC,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
HD Carrier assembly, 2.5″ DC, SAS ***Replaces
2 Port TOE Key (for LOM)
FM300 ASSY,CBL,IFB,CU,DDR,1M,8PK Dell PowerEdge M600
FM301 ASSY,CBL,IFB,CU,DDR,2M,8PK Dell PowerEdge M600
FR757 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,X5460,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains Harpertown PRC GW190.
(RTS 20-Nov-07)
FR758 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,E5410,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains Harpertown PRC PD990.
(RTS 20-Nov-07)
FR760 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,L5410,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains Harpertown-LV PRC XR579.
(RTS 20-Nov-07)
FU765 SVC,PRC,80556K,XCL,E5310,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC HP787 (Deplete
Service Kit RN208)
FU767 SVC,PRC,80563Q,XCL,E5345,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC WK722 (
FX806 SVC,PRC,2.0G,XDH,E5405,4C Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC RU505
G052C DIMM,1G,667M,128X72,8,240,1RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
1GB 667M, 128X72, 8, 240, 1RX8
G108N HD,73G,SAS,15K,2.5,SGT,HORNET Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Seagate Hornet (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED J515N)
G613R SSDR,100GB,SATA,2.5,SMSNG Dell PowerEdge M600
100GB SSD-SATA, 2.5″, Samsung SS805
G731N HD,146G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,FJT,11S Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Fijitsu AL11SE (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – PURGED May 2010 – Replaced by T228M, T855K, X143K,
X160K, X829K)
G789N OTLT,PDU,100-240V,220-240V,C19 Dell PowerEdge M600
0U/1U, 7 Plug PDU, For All Regions
G843N CORD,PWR,250V,16A,12FT,PDU Dell PowerEdge M600
power cord
G914J SSDR,50GB,SATA,2.5,SMSNG Dell PowerEdge M600
50GB SSD-SATA, 2.5″, Samsung (SATA Chip Set Only)
GH710 FILLER,BLNK,DIMM,P1955 Dell PowerEdge M600
Blank filler panel for DIMM slot /1955
GJ890 ASSY,DVD,8X,EXT,USB,TEAC,BLK Dell PowerEdge M600
DVD Assembly, 8X, External, USB, Black, TEAC (With Two
USB Connectors)
GM257 CRD,CTL,FC4,HBA,LPE1105-M4 Dell PowerEdge M600
GM431 DIMM,2G,667M,256X72,8,240,2RX4 Dell PowerEdge M600
DIMM, 2G, 667M, 256X72, 8, 240, 2RX4 FOR SERVERS
ONLY**Validated for Single DIMM Dispatch on Server systems** /Fully Buffered
GP881 HD,146G,SAS,3,10K,2.5,SGT2,FIR Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate2 Firebird (Replaces
DVD Assembly, 8X, External, USB, Black, HLDS
GW190 PRC,80556K,XDH,X5460,FCLGA6,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, X5460, 3.16G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
GX250 HD,36G,SAS,DU,15K,2.5,FJT,10SX Dell PowerEdge M600
36GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL10SX (Use only DUP
enabled replacement)
GY036 SVC,PRC,1.66,XWC,5110,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC WK714 (Deplete
Service Kit RN198 )
Mezz Network Card, Siren (post RTS for SaazShot)
H226C ASSY,CARR,HD,SC,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
Hard Drive Carrier for 2.5 Hard Drive, SC
Infiniband HCA – Mezz Card, V2 (Replaces HX271)
H523N HD,300G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,FJT,11S Dell PowerEdge M600
300GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL11SE (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement) (PURGED May 2010 – Replaced by C975M, P252M, T871K,
U706K, U709K)
H540J SSDR,25GB,SATA,2.5,SMSNG Dell PowerEdge M600
25GB SSD-SATA, 2.5″, Samsung (SATA Chip Set Only)
H910P CRD,NTWK,MGMT,UPS Dell PowerEdge M600
UPS Network Management Card
H965N ASSY,BTRY,EXT,72V,DC,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
Extra Batery for 1920W Tower UPS /Post RTS-JR
HF383 ASSY,FILLER,BLNK,HD,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.5 Blank Hard Drive Filler Assembly /1950/2950, BEING
HG423 PRC,80556K,XDH,E5450,FCLGA6,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, E5450, 3.0G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
PCIE SAS6IR PWA Controller Card
HM841 PWA,BKPLN,2.5SATAX2 Dell PowerEdge M600
Backplane 2.5 SATAX2
**POST RTS**CERC6/I Controller “Integrated”
HP219 PRC,80574K,XDH,E5440,FCLGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, E5440, 2.83G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
HP592 KIT,CRD,INTRPSR,HD,1320 Dell PowerEdge M600
HD Interposer Card Kit, 1320 SATA (Dispatch with all SATA
Drives – Replaces PN939)
HP779 PRC,80556K,XWC,5130,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.0Ghz,Woodcrest processor,5130,1333FSB,65W,4MB,G0 * This
Is Part Of Kit .
HP787 PRC,80556K,XCL,E5310,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
1.6Ghz,Clovertown processor, E5310,1066FSB,8MB,G0
**Dispatch Service Kit FU765** (Deplete YM299) * This Is Part Of Kit .
HT023 SVC,PRC,3.00,XWC,5160,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC TY340 (Deplete
Service Kit MU161)
HT952 HD,73G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,SGT,FIRE Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate Firebird (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED 1DCWH)
(RTS January 15, 2008) Infiniband HCA – Mezz Card
J084N HD,146G,SAS,15K,2.5,SGT,HORNET Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Seagate Hornet (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement – Replaces Purged K532N)
J120C ASSY,FILLER,BLNK,HD,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
HD Filler assembly, blank, 2.5″ ***Replaces HF383***
J383D SVC,PRC,80556K,XDW,X5260 Dell PowerEdge M600
Wolfdale Xeon Kit, X5260, 3.33GHz, 6MB, 1333FSB
Broadcom Quad Port 1GbE mezz (TOE)
J515N HD,73G,SAS,DU,15K,2.5,FJT,11SX Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Fijitsu AL11SX (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – PURGED May 2010 – Replaced by G108N, P253M, R727K,
R730K, W345K)
J571N CORD,PWR,250V,10A,12FT,PDU Dell PowerEdge M600
power cord
J715N UPS,500VA,230V,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
500W Tower UPS, <b>for EMEA, APCC, and
J770N HD,500G,ES,7.2K,2.5,SGT,DF Dell PowerEdge M600
500GB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 2.5″, Seagate Dragonfly
JH903 PRC,80556K,XDH,E5430,FCLGA6,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, E5430, 2.66G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
JM475 PWA,CNTL PNL,SATA-REP Dell PowerEdge M600
JW560 ASSY,HTSNK,CPU Dell PowerEdge M600
CPU Heatsink
Blank/Cover for heatsink and CPU
K532N HD,146G,SAS,DU,15K,2.5,FJT,11S Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL11SX (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – PURGED May 2010 – Replaced by J084N, N330M, X162K,
W328K, W330K)
K709G PRC,X5270,1333,6MB,XDW Dell PowerEdge M600
3.5GHz, Wolfdale processor ***Dispatch SVC kit Y832J*** *
This Is Part Of Kit .
K789N UPS,1920VA,230,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
1920W Tower UPS, for EMEA, APCC, and China
K806N ASSY,BTRY,EXT,36V,DC,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
Extra Battery for 1000W Tower UPS /post RTS-JR
K831N HD,500G,SAS,7.2K,2.5,SGY-DF Dell PowerEdge M600
500GB SAS, 7.2K, 2.5″, Seagate Dragonfly
K836N HD,160G,ES,7.2K,2.5,SGT,DF Dell PowerEdge M600
160GB Hard Drive, SATA, 7.2K, 2.5, Seagate Dragonfly ES
K872T KIT,CRD,CTL,CNA,OCM10102FM Dell PowerEdge M600
Emulex Mezz CNA OCM10102FM Controller Card
KF248 ASSY,CARR,HD,DC,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
HD Carrier assembly for 2.5 hard drives /2950/1950
KX324 PRC,80563Q,XCL,E5345,LGA771,B3 Dell PowerEdge M600
This is a Component part. Dispatch SVC kit PU972 * This
Is Part Of Kit .
M2V2Y CRD,CTL,CNA,QLGC,QME8142 Dell PowerEdge M600
QLogic Mezz QME8142 Controller Card
M378D KIT,CRD,CTL,FC8,HBA,LPE1205-M Dell PowerEdge M600
Emulex FC8 LPe1205M HBA Card (Vulcan)
M393D CRD,CTL,HBA,FC8,QME2572 Dell PowerEdge M600
QLogic FC8 QME2572 HBA Card (Ninja)
M678N DIMM,1G,667M,128X72,8,240,1RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
1G 667MHz DIMM 128X72 8 240 1RX8 (Interchangeable with
p/n NP948)
M893R BZL,BTRY,3U Dell PowerEdge M600
3U EBM Bezel/post RTS-JR
MG434 PRC,80556K,XDH,E5420,FCLGA6,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, E5420, 2.5G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
MPW51 CRD,CTL,HBA,FC8,QME2572V2 Dell PowerEdge M600
QLogic FC8 QME2572 Dual Channel HBA Card
MY736 PWA,PLN,BLDE Dell PowerEdge M600
MB, Intel (Dispatch SVC Kit CY123) * This Is Part Of Kit
N112G PRC,X5470,1333,12MB,XDH Dell PowerEdge M600
3.33GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
C334J) * This Is Part Of Kit .
N472R BZL,UPS,1920W,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
1920W Tower UPS Bezel/post RTS-JR
N473R BZL,BTRY,4U Dell PowerEdge M600
4U EBM Bezel/post rts-jr
N6370 TOOL, SYRNG, THRMGRS, V2 Dell PowerEdge M600
Thermal Grease Syringe to reduce cost of sending out
heatsinks with processors (>3.6 processors) * This Is Part Of Kit .
N782G PRC,L5410,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.33GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
D186J) * This Is Part Of Kit .
N856G PRC,X5460,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
3.16GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
X991H) * This Is Part Of Kit .
N874G PRC,E5440,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
3.0GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit X989H)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
NF088 ASSY,CARR,HD,SC,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
Hard Drive Carrier /pe1955 /1950/2950 TRIATHLON
NK189 PWA,RSR,VID Dell PowerEdge M600
Video Riser board for Tomahawk only
NN040 PRC,80556,XWC,5148LV,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.333GHz,Woodcrest processor,5148LV,1333FSB,40W,4MB,G0
**Dispatch Service Kit RX508** (DepleteYM297) * This Is Part Of Kit .
NN046 PRC,80556K,XCL,L5335,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.0G,Clovertown processor,L5335,1333 FSB,8MB,G0.**
Despatch SVC kit P/n UK510** * This Is Part Of Kit .
NP659 HD,146G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,FJT,10S Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL10S (Use only DUP
enabled replacement)
NP671 KIT,CRD,CTL,FC4,HBA,LPE1105-M4 Dell PowerEdge M600
Emulex HBA Kit, FC4, LPE1105-M4/mounthood
NP948 DIMM,1G,667M,128X72,8,240,2RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
DIMM, 1G, 667M, 128X72, 8, 240, 2RX8 FOR SERVERS ONLY
NU209 BTRY,PRI,7WHR,1C,LIION,PERCI Dell PowerEdge M600
PERCi 6.1 Battery, 7WHR, 1C, Lithium Ion (Supports
P010H PWA,PLN,M600 Dell PowerEdge M600
MB, Intel (Dispatch SVC Kit P066H – Required for 8GB
DIMMs) * This Is Part Of Kit .
P066H SVC,PLN,PE M600,INTEL,V2 Dell PowerEdge M600
MB SVC Kit (Contains MB P010H)
P140G PRC,L5430,1333,12MB,XDH Dell PowerEdge M600
2.66GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
D245J) * This Is Part Of Kit .
P252M HD,300G,SAS,10K,2.5,HIT-CC,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
300GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Hitachi Cobra-C (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement – Replaces Purged H523N)
P373R BZL,UPS,3U Dell PowerEdge M600
3U UPS Bezel/post RTS-JR
P383F HD,250G,ES,7.2K,2.5,FJTSU,A160 Dell PowerEdge M600
250GB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 2.5″, Fujitsu A160
P959G PRC,E5205,1066,6MB,XDW,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
1.86GHz, Wolfdale Processor (Dispatch Service Kit C335J)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
PD990 PRC,80556K,XDH,E5410,FCLGA6,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, E5410, 2.33G, 4M, 1333FSB, G0 * This Is
Part Of Kit .
PH7CR HD,73G,SAS,10K,2.5,SGT,FRFLY,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate Firefly (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED 1DCWH)
PR700 PRC,80556K,XCL,E5310,LGA771,B3 Dell PowerEdge M600
This is a Component part. Lives in Kit XM540/ CLOVERTOWN
per TOM * This Is Part Of Kit .
PU972 SVC,PRC,80563Q,XCL,E5345,LGA77 Dell PowerEdge M600
Service kit for KX324
PW207 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,E5420,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains Harpertown PRC MG434.
(RTS 20-Nov-07)
PW208 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDW,E5205,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service kit
R072D CRD,CTL,FC8,HBA,LPE1205-M Dell PowerEdge M600
R283M HD,300G,SAS,10K,2.5,WD-RGL,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
300GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Western Digital Rigel
R285M HD,146G,SAS,10K,2.5,WD-RGL,2.5 Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Western Digital Rigel
R318G PRC,X5260,1333,6MB,XDW,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
3.33GHz, Wolfdale Processor (Dispatch Service Kit D246J)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
R412G PRC,E5410,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.33GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
D240J) * This Is Part Of Kit .
R462R BZL,UPS,4U Dell PowerEdge M600
4U UPS Bezel/post RTS-jr
R730K HD,73G,SAS6,15K,2.5,HIT-KC Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS6, 15K, 2.5″, Hitachi King Cobra C (Use only
DUP enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED J515N)
RK389 PRC,80556K,XDH,L5420,FCLGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, L5420, 2.5G, 4MB, 1333FSB * This Is Part
Of Kit .
RM178 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,E5430,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains Harpertown PRC JH903.
(RTS 20-Nov-07)
RN829 HD,36G,SAS,3,15K,2.5,SGT2,MAV Dell PowerEdge M600
36GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Seagate2 Maverick
RU505 PRC,80556K,XDH,XXXX,LGA771,4C Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon, XXXX, 2.0G, 4M, 1333FSB, 4C * This Is
Part Of Kit .
RW549 HD,73G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,HIT-B Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Hitachi Cobra B (Use only DUP
enabled replacement)
RW675 HD,73G,SAS,DU,15K,2.5,FJT,10SX Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL10SX (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement)
RX239 PRC,80556K,XDW,E5260,FC-LGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
This is a Component part * This Is Part Of Kit .
RX508 SVC,PRC,2.33,XWC,5148LV,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC NN040 (Deplete
Service Kit FY271)
T010F HD,80G,ES,7.2K,2.5,FJTSU,A160 Dell PowerEdge M600
80GB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 2.5″, Fujitsu A160
T050N DIMM,8G,667M,1GX72,4RX4,8,240 Dell PowerEdge M600
8GB DIMM, 667M, 1GX72, 4RX4, 8, 240 **Validated for
Single DIMM Dispatch**
T050R BZL,UPS,500W,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
500W Tower UPS Bezel/post rts-JR
T088R BZL,BTRY,2U Dell PowerEdge M600
2U EBM Bezel /post RTs-JR
T228M HD,146G,SAS,10K,2.5,HIT-CC,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Hitachi Cobra C (Use only DUP
enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED G731N)
Intel Quad Port mezz (82576) 1GB
T473G PRC,L5240,1333,6MB,XDW,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
3.0GHz, Wolfdale Processor (Dispatch Service Kit X993H) *
This Is Part Of Kit .
T844G PRC,L5420,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.5GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit X988H)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
T869G PRC,E5450,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
3.0GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit D242J)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
T891G PRC,E5405,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.0GHz Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Szervice Kit C268J)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
TJ650 PRC,80556K,XWC,5130,LGA771,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
RTS July 7, 2006 – 2.0G Woodcrest 5130 1333FSB, 4MB, B1
(Service Kit TM872)/July 17th RTS parts * This Is Part Of Kit .
TJ694 PRC,80556,XWC,5148LV,LGA771,B2 Dell PowerEdge M600
(Post RTS Sept Q3 block release) 2.3GHz Woodcrest 5148LV,
LGA771 * This Is Part Of Kit .
TK238 HD,73G,SAS,3,10K,2.5,SGT2,FIRE Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate 2 Firebird (Replaces
TM872 SVC,PRC,2.0G,4M,5130,XWC,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
SERVICE KIT, PRC, 2.0G, 4M, 5130, XWC, B1. Contains
TJ650/July 17th RTS parts
TM956 SVC,PRC,3.0G,4M,5160,XWC,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
processor assy contains WJ560/July 17th RTS parts
TX043 SVC,PRC,2.3G,4M,5148LV,XWC,B2 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, contains Low Voltage (LV) proc.
P/N TJ694
TY340 PRC,80556K,XWC,5160,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
3.0 Xeon Woodcrest, 5160, LGA771, G0 (Dispatch Service
Kit HT023) (Deplete CU747) * This Is Part Of Kit .
TY785 HD,80G,S2,7.2K,2.5,FJTSU,A80ED Dell PowerEdge M600
80GB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 2.5″, Fujitsu A80ED
U007F HD,160G,ES,7.2K,2.5,FJTSU,A160 Dell PowerEdge M600
160GB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 2.5″, Fujitsu A160
U032R BZL,BTRY,1000W,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
1000W Tower EBM Bezel /Post RTS-JR
U034R BZL,RACK,TWR,3U Dell PowerEdge M600
3U Rack/Tower Pedestal/post rts-jr
U296G PRC,E5430,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.66GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit
D241J) * This Is Part Of Kit .
U311G PRC,E5420,1333,12MB,XDH,E STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
2.5GHz, Harpertown Processor (Dispatch Service Kit C332J)
* This Is Part Of Kit .
UK510 SVC,PRC,80556K,XCL,L5335,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC P/n NN046
UK972 PRC,80556K,XDW,L5250,FC-LGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
This is a Component part * This Is Part Of Kit .
UP928 HD,80G,S1,5.4K,2.5,FJT,M80,ED Dell PowerEdge M600
80GB SATA, 5.4K, 2.5″, Fujitsu Mercury 80ED (Do not
dispatch – Replaced by TY785)
UP937 HD,73G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,FJT,10SE Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Fujitsu AL10SE (Use only DUP
enabled replacement)
VFP53 ASSY,DVD,8X,EXT,USB,TEAC,BLK,7 Dell PowerEdge M600
DVD Assembly, 8X, External, USB, Black, TEAC
W042R BZL,BTRY,1920W,TWR Dell PowerEdge M600
1920W Tower EBM Bezel /post RTS-JR
W330K HD,146G,SAS6,15K,2.5,HIT-KC Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB, SAS6, 15K, 2.5″, Hitachi King Cobra-C
(DUP-enabled – Use only DUP-enabled HDDs as substitute)
W402D ASSY,DVD,8X,EXT,USB,TEAC,BLK Dell PowerEdge M600
DVD Assembly, 8X, External, USB, Black, TEAC
W701G DIMM,4G,667M,512X72,4RX8,8,240 Dell PowerEdge M600
DIMM, 4G, 667M, 512X72, 4RX8, 8, 240 **Validated for
Single DIMM Dispatch**
W807F CRD,NTWK,PCIE4,10GBE,57710BCOM Dell PowerEdge M600
Network Card, PCIE4, Broadcom, Trax (57710 iSCSi Boot
W8805 ASSY, FD, 1.44MB, EXT, USB,
Dell PowerEdge M600
External USB Floppy Drive, TEAC, Lead Free
W986F DIMM,8G,667M,1GX72,4RX4,8,240,BFD Dell PowerEdge M600
8G DIMM, 667M, 1GX72, 4RX4, 8, 240
WJ560 PRC,80556K,XWC,5160,LGA771,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
RTS July 7, 2006 – 3.0G Woodcrest 5160 1333FSB, 4MB, B1
(Service Kit TM956)/July 17th RTS parts * This Is Part Of Kit .
WK714 PRC,80556K,XWC,5110,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
processor,5110,1066FSB,65W,4MB,G0**Dispatch Service Kit GY036** (Deplete
TW952) * This Is Part Of Kit .
WK722 PRC,80563Q,XCL,E5345,LGA771,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.33 Xeon Clovertown, E5345, LGA771, G0 (Dispatch Service
Kit FU767) (Deplete WX456) * This Is Part Of Kit .
WP267 PRC,80556K,XDW,E5205,FC-LGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
This is a Component part * This Is Part Of Kit .
WP740 SVC,PRC,2.00,XWC,5130,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit, Contains PRC HP779 (Deplete
Service Kit FY260)
WU256 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDW,E5260,G0 Dell PowerEdge M600
processor service kit
iSCSI Toe Key Card, Dual-port (Peavey)
X057R BZL,UPS,2U Dell PowerEdge M600
2U UPS Bezel/post rts-jr
X527N DIMM,2G,667M,256X72,8,240,2RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
2G 667MHz DIMM 256X72 8 240 2RX8
X829K HD,146G,SAS,10K,2.5,DUP,SGT,FLY Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Seagate Firefly (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement – Replaces PURGED G731N)
X988H SVC,PRC,L5420,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
***TECH SUPPORT DO NOT ORDER-only for Sale for DCS
Project\\\ 2.5GHz, Harpertown Processor
X989H SVC,PRC,E5440,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
X991H SVC,PRC,X5460,1333,XDH,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Harpertown Processor
X993H SVC,PRC,L5240,1333,XDW,E-STNP Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor Service Kit (Contains Wolfdale Processor T473G)
Infiniband QDR SFF Mezz Card (Interchangeable with FI
Part #X24WC
XK112 HD,146G,SAS,DU,10K,2.5,HIT-B Dell PowerEdge M600
146GB SAS, 10K, 2.5″, Hitachi Cobra B (Use only
DUP-enabled replacement)
XM540 SVC,PRC,1.6G,XCL,B3 Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor service kit contains processor PR700/
XR579 PRC,80574K,XDH,L5410,FCLGA6 Dell PowerEdge M600
2.33G,Harper Town-LV,L5410,1333FSB,12Mb,50W.**Dispatch
service kit FR760**(RTS20-Nov-07) * This Is Part Of Kit .
XT764 HD,73G,SAS,3,15K,2.5,SGT2,MAV Dell PowerEdge M600
73GB SAS, 15K, 2.5″, Seagate2 Maverick
XU936 SVC,PRC,1.66G,4M,5110,XWC,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
SERVICE KIT, PRC, 1.66G, 4M, 5110, XWC, B1. Contains
processor YJ049/July 17th RTS parts
XW300 ASSY,ENCL,BLDE,BLNK Dell PowerEdge M600
Blank filler for Blade opening
XX299 ASSY,CBL,IFB,CU,DDR,3M,8PK Dell PowerEdge M600
cable assy
XX763 SVC,PRC,80556K,XDH,L5420,FCLGA Dell PowerEdge M600
Harpertown Xeon Kit, L5420, 2.5G, 4MB, 1333FSB
Y832J SVC,PRC,3.5,X5270,80W,XDW Dell PowerEdge M600
Processor service kit,contains K709G
Y949P SSDR,50GB,SATA,2.5,SMSNG Dell PowerEdge M600
50GB SSD-SATA, 2.5″, Samsung SS805
YJ049 PRC,80556K,XWC,5110,LGA771,B1 Dell PowerEdge M600
RTS July 7, 2006 – 1.6G Woodcrest 5110 1066FSB, 4MB, B1
(Service Kit XU936)/July 17th RTS parts * This Is Part Of Kit .
YR660 HD,1TB,ES,S2,7.2K,3.5,HIT,GMNI,DU Dell PowerEdge M600
1TB SATA-ES, 7.2K, 3.5″, Hitachi Gemini K
YY120 DIMM,512,667M64X72,8,240,1RX8 Dell PowerEdge M600
512GB 667M64X72, 8, 240, 1RX8
Broadcom GbE 5708 Mezz Card

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