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Dell R420

Through ground-breaking hardware design and continued focus on fewer system updates, Dell’s 9th generation PowerEdge servers help reduce the complexity involved in managing data, whether you are a large enterprise or a small business. The servers are designed to a Dell-developed Behavioral Specification that defines consistent hardware layout and user interaction across all server models in this and future PowerEdge generations.

CPU(s): 2 Socket Intel E5 Multi Core Size: 1RU
Memory: 12 DIMM Slots (Max 192GB) Raid: PERC H310, H710 512MB NV, H710P 1GB NV
HDD: Hot Swap,SAS/SATA/NL SAS,4 x 3.5″,4 x 2.5″,8 x 2.5″ Riser: 2xPCI-E
Power: 550W Hot Swap Redundant Dell

Dell R420 Spare Parts

Part Number Description   Extended description
Defy/Slice LED Light Pipe.
Defy/Slice 4X LED Module Assy (OEM Version).
0G8CN ASSY,PWA,PDB,SV, PWR,1U,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice PDB .
0HWKY ASSY,BRKT,REAR,PWR SPLY,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Rear Bracket for Cable PSU.
1GHY9 PRC,E52450L,1.8,20M,SNB,70W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
1.8GHz, E52450L, 20MB, 70W, SandyBridge, B0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit MGTFV).. *
1J45G PWR SPLY,550W,RDNT,LTON Dell PowerEdge R420
Slice RDNT PSU (550W), Liteon.(Purged Replaced by
replacement part number M95X4 and affected date 05/29/2012)
1PP0V ASSY,PWA,PLN,SV,NTPM,PER420 Dell PowerEdge R420
Slice NTPM Motherboard (Dispatch SVC Kit PJJWF, used in
China and Russia) *
Power Supply, 550W, Non-Redundant, Flextronics
397G1 ASSY,CBL,INTFC,MB,CTL,R420/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Front Board to MB Cable.
488MY ASSY,PWA,RISER-2,1P,2P,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Riser 2- x16 slots (used in Defy/ Slice 1P config &
Slice 2P config).
4XX1H PWR SPLY,550W,NRDNT,ACBEL Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 550W, Non-Redundant, AcBel
Defy/Slice 4X LCD Module Assy (OEM Version).
64TC3 ASSY,PWA,PLN,LCD,4HD,R5/4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
LCD front board (used in Silk 2.5″ 8X and Slice/Defy
3.5″ 4X Hot Plug HDD config).
6WDCN PRC,E52440,2.4,15M,SNB,95W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2.4GHz, E52440, 15MB, 95W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit 2Y1J0) *
6WYMH PRC,E52403,1.8,10M,SNB,80W,M1 Dell PowerEdge R420
1.8GHz, E52403, 10MB, 80W, SandyBridge, M0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit 1N8FC) *
714TC ASSY,PWA,PLN,LCD,8HD,R4/320,V2 Dell PowerEdge R420
LCD Front Board, V2 (used in 2.5″ x8 Hot Plug HDD
Config) ( (Dispatch SVC Kit 18JC6) *
72XWF ASSY,PWA,PLN,SV,TRPM,PER420 Dell PowerEdge R420
TRPM Motherboard (Dispatch SVC Kit HMTV9, used in all
countries except China and Russia). *
AMEA Filler.
7H52K ASSY,SHRD,PLSTC,PRC,R420 Dell PowerEdge R420
Air Shroud.
7KMJ7 ASSY,PWA,RISER-1,2P,R420 Dell PowerEdge R420
Riser 1- X16 Slot (used in Slice 2P config).
7M4WJ ASSY,HLDR,CBL,PLSTC,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Cable holder in Fan Cage Assy.
7NWYM ASSY,FAN,DUMMY,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice Dummy Fan.
7TPNW ASSY,CBL,MB,BP,SAS B,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
MB SAS to 8X Backplane SAS_B Cable.
7VJMH SVC,BTRY,PRI,2.6WHR,1C,PERC8 Dell PowerEdge R420
PERC 8 Battery Service Kit.
7Y3W6 CLP,PLSTC,PCI-CARD,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice PCIe Clip.
81RK6 ASSY,PWA,RSR,SV,AMEA,R5/4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
iDRAC 7 Enterprise PWA (AMEA Card).
8P6G0 PRC,E52407,2.2,10M,SNB,80W,M1 Dell PowerEdge R420
2.2GHz, E52407, 10MB, 80W, SandyBridge, M0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit JMP03) *
95N9N ASSY,CRD,CTL,H810,1GB,NVD,LPF Dell PowerEdge R420
Card Assembly, PERC H810, 1GB, NVD, Low Profile
<b>Post RTS.
96R8Y PWR SPLY,550W,NRDNT,DELTA Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 550W, Non-Redundant, Delta
97NDR PRC,E52430L,2.0,15M,SNB,60W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2GHz, E52430L, 15MB, 60W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit VN9C3) *
9NPW3 ASSY,SHRD,PLSTC,PDB,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
PDB Shroud.
C20T6 ASSY,PNL,CNTL,FRT,LCD,4HD,R420 Dell PowerEdge R420
4X LCD Module Assy.
C8MVT ASSY,CBL,MB,CNTL,USB,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Front Board & USB cable, FP & VGA to MB, Purged,
replaced by 3YFYJ, affected date 09/06/2012)
CF9NH ASSY,CBL,MB,BKPLN,SAS,R420/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Backplane SAS to MB SAS Connector Cable.
CHJYW ASSY,PNL,VGA MOD,R620 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice VGA Board, Purged, replaced by XRDPC, affected
date 09/06/2012
DWDN0 ASSY,CAGE,PWR SPLY,RDNT,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice Redundant PSU Cage Assy.
FD2FJ ASSY,CBL,I2C,BKPLN,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Backplane I2C 2×8 cable, 4XHDD BP to MB.
FRH64 ASSY,CRD,CTL,H710,512,NV,MCRD Dell PowerEdge R420
H710 Controller Card.
G298K ASSY,CVR,BLANK,ODD,R410 Dell PowerEdge R420
ODD Filler
G5FPW PRC,E52450,2.1,20M,SNB,95W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2GHz, E52450, 20MB, 95W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit WK95Y) *
G8KHX ASSY,FAN,40X40X56,12V,AVC,R4/3 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice System Fan, AVC
GY7VD ASSY,CBL,MB,ODD,SATA,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
ODD Signal Cable, MB to ODD (used with Cable HDD, X4/X8
Hot Plug HDD).
H3YKR ASSY,CBL,MB,HD,SATA A-D,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Mini SAS & ODD power cable, MB (SATA A-D) to HDD
(used with cable HDD).
HC547 ASSY,PWA,RISER-1,1P,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Riser 1- X8 Slot (used in Defy/Slice 1P config).
HMTV9 SVC,PLN,SV,TRPM,PER420 Dell PowerEdge R420
MB SVC Kit (Contain MB 72XWF)
HR6C0 ASSY,FAN,40X40X56,12V,DELTA Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice System Fan, Delta
J6J6M PWR SPLY,550W,NRDNT,DELTA Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 550W, Non-Redundant, Delta
JMP03 SVC,PRC,E52407,2.2,SNB,80W,M1 Dell PowerEdge R420
Processor Service Kit (Contains SandyBridge Processor
K09CJ PWA,CTL,SAS,H310,MCRD Dell PowerEdge R420
SAS Controller Card, H310
KKFKC ASSY,CRD,CTL,H810,1GB,NVD,FH Dell PowerEdge R420
Card Assembly, PERC H810, 1GB, NVD, Full Height
<b>Post RTS.
KPTMP ASSY,CBL,I2C,BKPLN,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Backplane I2C cable, 8XHDD BP to MB.
M8K20 ASSY,CBL,MB,BP,SAS A,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
MB SAS to 8X Backplane SAS_A Cable.
M95X4 PWR SPLY,550W,RDNT,LTON,V1 Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 550W, Redundant, Liteon, V1 (Replaces
purged 1J45G – Can Sub part with RYMG6)
MPF68 BRKT,STOPPER,LCD,PLSTC,R5/4/32 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/ Slice/Silk LCD Stopper.
MYG2H PWR SPLY,350W,RDNT,LTON Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 350W, Redundant, Liteon (Purged 29may12
-Replaced by P7GV4)
NYR84 ASSY,CBL,PWR,ODD,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
ODD Power Cable, BP to ODD (used with X8 Hot Plug HDD).
P64M9 ASSY,PNL,CNTL,FRT,LCD,8HD,R420 Dell PowerEdge R420
8X LCD Module Assy.
P7GV4 PWR SPLY,350W,RDNT,LTON,V1 Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 350W, Redundant, Liteon (Replaces Purged
p/n MYG2H – Can Sub part with Y8Y65)
P7H13 ASSY,PWA,BKPLN,4HD,R420/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Defy/Slice 4X HDD Backplane.
P8J26 ASSY,PNL,CNTL,FRT,LED,R420 Dell PowerEdge R420
4X LED Module Assy.
PJGV9 ASSY,PWA,PLN,LED,4HD,R420/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
LED Front Board (used in 3.5 x4 Cable HDD Config).
PJJWF SVC,PLN,SV,NTPM,PER420 Dell PowerEdge R420
MB SVC Kit (Contain MB )
Defy/Slice 8X LCD Module Assy (OEM Version).
RTXXH ASSY,CBL,PWR,BKPLN,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
PDB to Backplane Converter Cable .
RYMG6 PWR SPLY,550W,RDNT,DELTA Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 550W, Redundant, Delta
V0DXP PRC,E52420,1.9,15M,SNB,95W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2GHz, E52420, 15MB, 95W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit JF5F6) *
VCHJ6 ASSY,BRKT,PLSTC,HD,3.5,R4/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
3.5″ Cable HDD Carrier.
VWJJK ASSY,PWA,PLN,LCD,8HD,R420/320 Dell PowerEdge R420
LCD Front Board (used in 2.5″ x8 Hot Plug HDD
Config, Purged, replaced by 714TC, affected date 09/06/2012)
W1T58 PRC,E52470,2.3,20M,SNB,95W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2.3GHz, E52470, 20MB, 95W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit YHN15).. *
W7WY3 ASSY,CBL,INT,USB,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Front Board USB to MB Cable.
XHMDT ASSY,HTSNK,5X2.9X1,R520/420320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Processor Heatsink…
XP00F ASSY,CBL,MB,HD,SAS A,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
Mini SAS & ODD power cable, MB (SAS A) to HDD (used
with cable HDD).
XRDPC ASSY,PNL,VGA MOD,R620,V2 Dell PowerEdge R420
8HDD VGA Module Assembly, V2 (Dispatch SVC Kit 18JC6 for
Defy & Slice)
XYM0R ASSY,CBL,PWR,ODD,R420/R320 Dell PowerEdge R420
ODD Power Cable, BP to ODD (used with X4 Hot Plug HDD).
Y4XC9 ASSY,CBL,MB,BP,SATA A-D,4XHD Dell PowerEdge R420
Mini SAS Cable, MB (SATA A-D) to BP.
Y8Y65 PWR SPLY,350W,RDNT,DELTA Dell PowerEdge R420
Power Supply, 350W, Redundant, Delta
DUMMY Redundant PSU Filler.
YWVC1 PRC,E52430,2.2,15M,SNB,95W,C2 Dell PowerEdge R420
2.2GHz, E52430, 15MB, 95W, SandyBridge, C0 (Dispatch SVC
Kit 81NTK) *

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